Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hello - Introduction

Hello everyone. First of all, my name is H.D.Munn ("Hal"), not important. (I'm old) but I am NOT a newbie to blogging. I first had a blog on Google before Google wasn't even cool and ever bought out and took over Blogger (Blogspot). I have a love/hate relationship with Google and I'm sure those words won't endear me to Google at this later point in time either.

I was first kicked off Utube and my original blogsite shutdown in. . . um, (I forget), back in 2004, 2005? Then again in 2008, maybe?

I was guilty of "being stupid" and violating the Google' "invisible" Rules (of excessive "click laws") regarding clicking on links within Adsense (which I really didn't know that I was doing at the time). But anyway, that all led me to being shut down and deleted from the Google System. It nearly killed me (and ruined my business) but it's really alright today - I survived - no hard feelings (anymore than you'd have for some muslim maniac who tried to cut off your friggin' head)!" The experience with Google taught me "to survive" on the internet and that, even though the mega-giganticus anaconda Google owns most of the Internet, it doesn't own it all and there's a small crevice/crack out there where "independents" (outsiders & loners like me) can survive (and even make a profit if they work at it).

So for those reasons & more, I've decided to give Google/Blogsite another try in order to find a place to house & store my collection of Old, Rare, & perhaps Historical Photographs someday that I've collected over the years. I don't want to see them lost forever. I figure that - as I am now entering my "Bucket List" period of life, I could store these photos here (incognito) and by the time that Google realized that I was dead & gone and the site wasn't being updated anymore, that others could have come around and downloaded any photos that they (you) may want to keep for yourself or for history sake.

That's about all I'm going to use this blogsite for anymore -- to store photos. If you come across something that you find interesting or "keepable," I advise you to d/l to your own machine and keep the photograph. I do not have the space on my own h/d or the inclination to become the "keeper of photos" on the Internet like the Smithsonian Museum.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Hope to be uploading photos soon. Today is 9-6-14. Time is 10:11 am.
aka, H.D.Munn

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