Page 103 - Depression Era Photos

This was a mere 72 years ago...
Makes complaining about poor cell service, high gasoline prices, not enough cable channels, seem a bit ludicrous. Not enough credit to buy what you want, but don't need!

They don't have a clue. If you don't know what the Great Depression was, here's the motto: "Use it up -- wear it out," make it do or do without!!! This reminds me to be grateful for what I do have...

Start each day with a smile...
"Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery. 
And Today? Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present."

The days of misery, hopelessness, despair, worry. . . a time when the politicians and money people say that can never happen again. Don't you believe it. We are simply looking back into an earlier time and the faces of ourselves.

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