Page 505 - Gospel Sing, Cookies for Kids Cancer Research

All the photos here were taken on the night of March 11, 2017. It was a Gospel Sing Fund Raiser with the Mylon Hayes Family, the "Bowtie Boys Quartet" with Jason Kelly. It was held at the Beulah United Methodist Church, Gaston, SC.

The photos are originals, cropped & reduced by as much as 75% in order to upload & display here on this site. The photos are in .JPG format. Anyone who would like a personal copy, all you have to do is sel & r/c (select the photo and right-click) in order to download to your own PC. No effort was made to reduce red-eye effect or otherwise enhance the pictures. You can always do that with your own personal software - like Photoshop - once you've download a pic. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome photos of great Gospel Groups performing for Children's Cancer Research. Funds are dispersed to Cookies for Kids Cancer. They donate all funds raised to 5 major Children's hospital that treat kids with cancer.
