Page 30 Rare Photos

A 1930 photo from the statue of liberty’s torch

Santa with a helmet delivering presents during the London Blitz, 1940 

Tony Kiritsis holding Richard O Hall hostage with a shotgun during a live television broadcast, 1977

America mourns the Germans who died in the Hindenburg crash 

Chuck Jones original rules for the Roadrunner and Coyote

A young stud known as John Wayne 

A possible photo of Confederate cadets during the civil war 

A child’s gas mask during WW2 

The oldest known documented wheelie, 1936

A German child trying to sell his father’s Iron Cross for cigarettes, 1945

The original voice cast of Peanuts

The David Hilton family did not want to show their poor house to friends back east, but they wanted to prove they own an organ. Nebraska, 1887

Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to fly. 1910 

106 years old woman guard her home in southern Armenia, 1990 

The first picture of the Andromeda Galaxy in 1888 

Serena And Venus Williams posing for a picture with former president Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy in 1990 

Arnold Schwarzenegger goes sledding with then president, George Bush, 1991

Dwight Eisenhower was the first US president to use a teleprompter in the 1952 presidential campaign

Four-year-old Bill Clinton. 1950 

The first known picture of the Taj Mahal. 1855

Anti miniskirt sentiment in New York. 1966

Tom Baker working on a construction site in 1974 before being cast as the 4th incarnation of Doctor Who

Stripper in Clearwater, FL showing the judge that her bikini briefs were too large to expose her vagina to the undercover cops that arrested her. The case was dismissed 

Adolf Hitler tells a frostbitten soldier not to salute him ( year unknown )

Onlookers reaction to the Challenger explosion. 1986 

The first photo of the USS enterprise model and the men who build it. 1965 

A French opium party in 1918

Kindergarten teacher Helen Hulick who was a witness to a burglary, was given a five day sentence and sent to jail for contempt only for wearing pants to court to give her testimony. Los Angeles, 1938

A child is blinded by the atomic bomb at Hiroshima. 1945 

At a segregated lunch counter in Tennessee, Elvis Presley is waiting for his bacon and eggs while a woman waits for her sandwich. she is not permitted to sit. 1956 

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