Page 2 Old, Rare Photos

 And you Know her!! Lucy & Dezi

 A 1947 photo, Cary Grant donned a skirt to protest Katharine Hepburn wearing slacks
during rehearsals for the radio broadcast of The Philadelphia Story.
 Jayne Mansfield

 4-H Girls Convention, Iowa State College 1941

George W. Bush on a field trip with his dad, George H.W. Bush, to the oil fields
outside Midland , TX , circa 1955.
-from the George W. Bush Library
 Wall Street suicide 1929

 On this day in 1968, Mister Rogers welcomed us to his neighborhood for the first time.
We are all better for it.
 Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller

The Yellow Cab Company unveils its new rumble seat taxis, 1940, Chicago .
These custom cars were built to allow passengers to see the city's sites more easily.

Jacqueline Kennedy
 Levi's Advertising Catalogue, 1905
 Ty Cobb (1911) Detroit Tigers

 IRON HAWK (Chetan Maza), Oglala Lakota, 1899

 The Three Stooges - in and out of character - great photo!
 A 1949 Styleline De Luxe Convertible was the 22-millionth Chevrolet.

 7 Dwarfs Publicity Tour 1938

 Dale Evans and Roy Rogers

Jefferson Beach Amusement Park : St. Clair Shores , Michigan 1957

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