Page 35 Writing - Lost Lug Nut

Who was it who wrote the great epic Kublai Khan? Was it Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner fame)? Supposedly Coleridge was addicted to opium (terrible thing today but not so much so in 17th century England) and was immersed in writing Kublai Khan when someone knocked at the door. Coleridge answered the door and greeted his guest. When the person left, Coleridge returned to his writing desk. . . but never added another word to the great story. Sad, to this day, it remains unfinished. Sad, too, isn’t it – to leave an unfinished piece of that sort?

I’m not sure. It was so long ago, back in High School or College, I guess, when I read the story (Kublai Khan). Maybe I could have read the bio incorrectly? Perhaps that’s not what really happened. Maybe I just misunderstood the entire thing?

Recently, I wrote a story, a poem for the blog actually. . . and apparently just got so disgusted with it that I deleted the thing before publishing to the web and staggering off to bed. I’ve never been able to duplicate a story before and not sure why it’s important to me to try now. But. . . it’s called, “I Lost A Lug-Nut in Lugoff, SC.

Well, NO WORRY THOUGH — "I Lost A Lug-Nu" is a great redneck epic away from a Kublai Khan and yet it’s still important to me, somehow. I hate losing things - house keys, stories.

I Lost A Lug-Nut in Lugoff, SC

I was coming down Hwy 1 one day and come into Lugoff, SC

When I heard the first one leave the rim, then the second, and then another

And then low n behold if all 5 them dad-blame lug-nuts didn’t come off!

And then  I started to hear a little ping sound, then I felt a tremor and then a shake

And before I know’d what had done happened, my left front tur come plum off,

My axial dug into the asphalt and the tur headed across the highway into the other lane on the other side

Over toward the body shop, the one with the 52 Studebaker stuck up on top

But before it went on into the shop, it swerved and hit a John Deere dicing tractor a-coming down the road

And the big back tur on the big John Deere caught my tur and spun my tur around and headed it right back at me – Oh H***!

Well! You can imagine — when I seed the tur jump back over the ditch

And head back fur my truck and me

I jumped out of the truck and headed for Cecil’s AMOCO Gasoline Station cross the road

But when I looked back fur the tur, the tur was-a gaining on me

And just when I thought that I was a goner, the tur found each one of them dad-blame lug-nuts

And caught em up in the tread of the tur which caused it to git off balance

And to bounce and skeet and durn if the dang thang didn’t jump right over me

And hit then took off for Cecil’s tur shed

And by the time I caught up with the tur, it’d done got tangled up in a brand new air pressure hose

Twisted, flew up in the air and, PTL!, landed right down atop the wheel mounting tool,

A spinning so fast that it even wound down the wang nut on top and cinched itself up

Like it was awaiting on me to come and stick some more air in it and attach it back to the wheel

And get on down the road!

Believe it or not, you Yankee City Slickers.

That there’s my story and I’m sticking to it — what marked up the road there

At the Hwy 1, mile marker 5, cross from Cecil’s AMOCO in Lugoff, South Ca-lina.

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