Sheffield/Munn Family Photos

Hello family. The top tier of photos have been rotated & scaled (50% from the originals). I've added a few captions on those photos that I thought Richard Reed might be most interested - his mother and others. I don't have all that many. These are all that I have. I hope that someone else might be interested and want to d/l & keep some of these family photos.

The bottom group of photos are scans from the originals (which I have) and are at the maximum resolution (which you'll have to rotate & scale yourself for printing).
Harold Dean Munn (almost never used) (almost never used)
Sarah Frances Sheffield Munn

Uncle Leland & Aunt Irene

Mother, Sarah F. Munn, 80th or 90th birthday at her church (can't remember which)

Philip & Hugh, back row; Mother & Harold front

Aunt Shirley (Rock Hill, SC). Mother, Aunt Omi (Rock Hill?)

Mother holding Harold

Philip, Hugh, Mother, Harold, L.A.

Mother (Sarah Sheffield) in her late teens, early twenties

Sarah & Nettie (teens)

Lockard & Sarah Munn

Mother told me this was she, & Nettie with little sister, Mae (little girl).

Early photo of mother, Sarah.

Sunday, 3-15-1970: Harold & Phillip, top; L.A., 2nd from top; Barbara, Mother, Joan, Jane, Wanda, Cheryl (front)

Sunday, 1975: Hugh & Linda, Wanda & some boy (date), Barbara & L.A., Phillip, Joan holding P.W.?, Mother holding Teri?, Aunt Lucile

Uncle Charles Sheffield

1109 Lakeshore Dr., Camden, SC (house gone now)

Buck Huffman w/Uncle Charles behind on porch.

I am so totally NOT SURE of this photo. One time mother told me this: L-R, Irene Munn, Sarah Munn, Mae Reed, Mary Munn, & Lucile Munn. The next time I got something different.

L.A, Tommy, & Heyward Faile

Lucile Watts Munn

My mother once told me this was Annie Mae, Riley girl and a "Gardner" girl.

Aunt Esther

Aunt Irene

Beulah, Esther, Buck, Uncle Clay Huffman

Uncle Buck (Darlington).

Street & someone - too blurry to tell.

Street, Nettie, Charles, Sarah, Johnny

Only known photo of Grandma Polly Sheffield holding one of her children.

I really hate to attempt to put names on this one. Irene Munn, Sarah Munn, Mae Reed, Mary Munn, Lucile Munn (I don't know - I can't vouch for this but this is the caption taken off of an early photograph). That's all I can tell you.

JoAnn Munn Ballard

L.A. & Tommy (stooping down in front? :-)

L.A., some friend, Tommy Munn

Aunt Lucille

Mae, Nettie (Jiggs), Johnny, Sarah, Grandfather Podie (William Lee Sheffield), Charles, Esther, Street

Major Belvin Munn

Yep, that's Marcella, left; Laura, Philip & Carolyn Munn

Early photo of Sarah (with short hair) - 20 years old

Another courting photo: Sarah & Lockard

Lockard & Sarah courting

Mother (Sarah) & Aunt Lucille

1409 Lakeshore Dr., Camden, SC (house gone now)

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